Home Politics Matthew Opoku Prempeh has been chosen as Bawumia’s Running Mate for Ghana’s...

Matthew Opoku Prempeh has been chosen as Bawumia’s Running Mate for Ghana’s 2024 Election


In a move that has sent shockwaves through Ghana’s political landscape, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has selected Matthew Opoku Prempeh, popularly known as “Napo”, as his preferred running mate for the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

This announcement comes as the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) gears up to defend its mandate and secure a third consecutive term in office.

Napo, who currently serves as the Minister of Energy, has been a key figure in the Bawumia-led administration, spearheading initiatives aimed at improving Ghana’s energy sector and ensuring reliable power supply for businesses and households alike.

His selection as Bawumia’s running mate is seen by many as a strategic move to bolster the ticket’s appeal among the party’s base and attract support from swing voters.

“Napo’s track record of delivering results and his strong connection with the grassroots make him an ideal choice as Bawumia’s running mate,” said a senior NPP official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

“Together, they form a formidable team that can continue the good work of the Akufo-Addo administration and take Ghana to greater heights.

“The decision to choose Napo as Bawumia’s running mate has been met with mixed reactions from the public.

While supporters of the NPP have welcomed the move, citing Napo’s competence and ability to connect with the people, critics have raised concerns about the potential for cronyism and the concentration of power within the party’s inner circle.

“It’s no secret that Napo and Bawumia have a close relationship, but that shouldn’t be the basis for selecting a running mate,” said Kofi Bentil, a political analyst and vice president of IMANI Africa.

“The people of Ghana deserve a ticket that prioritizes merit, integrity, and a clear vision for the country’s future.”Despite the criticism, Bawumia and Napo remain confident in their ability to lead the NPP to victory in 2024.

They have vowed to continue the party’s focus on economic development, job creation, and improving the lives of all Ghanaians, regardless of their political affiliation.

stuff competition from the NDC

As the campaign season heats up, the Bawumia-Napo ticket will face stiff competition from the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), which is yet to announce its own presidential candidate and running mate.

The outcome of the 2024 election will have far-reaching implications for Ghana’s political and economic future, and the choice of running mates will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the narrative and the eventual result.

K Fosu The Informant is a lifestyle blogger with 5 years experience in content and web development. He is a Google keyword planner, SEO analyst, an influencer and entrepreneur who holds BA Degree from Ghana's Premier University.


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