Applying to study in any university in Ghana or outside Ghana requires that the prospective applicants do some background research about the programmes offered by the University
I have met a lot of UG prospective applicants who wants to read business courses but are not sure the about the right programmes available for them
In this article, we will look at the different courses that is available for prospective applicants who want to read pure business in the University of Ghana
Business students can apply for the following programmes:
- B.Sc. Administration
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
- Bachelor of Arts
Courses offered under B.Sc Administration
BSc Administration- Public Administration
This is a 4-year undergraduate programme in public administration. In the first two years of study, students are required to take courses such as Language Skills, Critical Thinking, Introduction to Business Administration and Introduction to Public Administration.
In the third and final years, however, students take courses such as Political Setting in Administration, Research Methods, Management of NGOs, Environmental Management, Public Finance, Development Administration, Administrative Law, ICT and Public Administration. Students may also opt to write a long essay in their final year.
2.BSc Administration – Health Services Management
This is a 4-year undergraduate programme in health services management.
In the first two years of study, students are required to take courses such as Language Skills, Critical Thinking, Introduction to Business Administration and Introduction to Public Administration.
In the third and final years, however, students take courses such as Health Services Management, Health Statistics and Information, Health Planning, Health Services Marketing, Organisational Health and Safety, Health Law, Health Care Quality Assurance, Health Care Financing, Purchasing and Materials Management.
Students may also opt for writing a long essay in their final year.
3.BSc Administration – Human Resource Management
This is a 4-year undergraduate programme in human resource management (HRM).
It is aimed at equipping students with skills and knowledge in HRM to enable them function effectively in various entry level HR roles in private, public or not-for-profit organizations.
In the first two years of study, students are required to take courses such as Language Skills, Critical Thinking, Introduction to Business Administration and Introduction to Public Administration.
In the third and fourth years, students are required to take courses such as courses such as Principles of Management, Commercial Law, Company Law, Labour Law, Human Behaviour in Organisations, Introduction to Human Resource Management, Manpower Planning, Business Policy, and Industrial Relations.
Students may also opt for writing a long essay in their final year.

4.BSc Administration – E-Commerce and Customer Management
This is a 4-year undergraduate programme in e-commerce and customer management.
In the first two years of study, students are required to take courses such as Language Skills, Critical Thinking, Introduction to Business Administration and Introduction to Public Administration.
In the third and final years however, students take courses such as Electronic Marketing Essentials, Customer Care Essentials, Customer Relationship Management, Mobile Commerce and Marketing, Introduction to E-Service Management, Innovation and New Product Development, Electronic Marketing Essentials and Key Account Management.
Students may also opt to write a long essay in their final year.
5.BSc Administration – Marketing
This is a 4-year undergraduate programme in Marketing.
In the first two years of study, students are required to take courses such as Language Skills, Critical Thinking, Introduction to Business Administration and Introduction to Public Administration.
In the third and fourth years, students are required to take courses such as Quantitative Methods, Principles of Marketing, Introduction to Electronic Business, Consumer Behaviour and Integrated Marketing Communications. Students may also opt to write a long essay in their final year.
6.BSc Administration – Insurance
This is a 4-year undergraduate programme in banking and finance. In the first two years of study, students are required to take courses such as students are required to take courses such as Language Skills, Critical Thinking, Introduction to Business Administration and Introduction to Public Administration.
In the third and final years, however, students take courses such as Introduction to Actuarial Science, Insurance of Liability, Elements of Risk and Insurance, Pensions and Social Security Health Insurance, and Insurance Management.
Students may also opt for writing a long essay in their final year.
7.BSc Administration – Banking and Finance
This is a 4-year undergraduate programme in banking and finance. In the first two years of study, students are required to take courses such as students are required to take courses such as Language Skills, Critical Thinking, Introduction to Business Administration and Introduction to Public Administration.
In the third and final years, however, students take courses such as Business Finance, Managerial Economics, Bank Management, Investment Fundamentals, Monetary Theory, Financial Markets, and Microfinance. Students may also opt for writing a long essay in their final year.
8.Diploma in Accounting
This is a 2-year programme offering participants knowledge in accounting principles to be effective managers in organisations. Courses taught include Financial Reporting, Business Accounting, Business Finance, Taxation, and Auditing.
9.BSc Administration – Accounting
This is a 4-year undergraduate programme in Accounting.
In the first two years of study, students are required to take courses such as students are required to take courses such as Language Skills, Critical Thinking, Introduction to Business Administration and Introduction to Public Administration.
In the third and final years, however, students take courses such as Auditing, Taxation, Financial Reporting, Corporate Reporting, Public Sector Accounting, and Accounting Information Systems. A degree in Accounting gives leverage to those who aspire for the professional qualification in accounting. Students may also opt for writing a long essay in their final year.