Home Politics Power: Legon Dean of Student Affairs cancels Sey Hall’s program dubbed ”the...

Power: Legon Dean of Student Affairs cancels Sey Hall’s program dubbed ”the seywrld” event


According to a statement from UG Dean of students affairs dated June 20, 2024, the event was canceled because an unapproved program was organized, which was not included in the outline given to the dean for approval.

The unapproved program was seen as a safety risk for students, with social media posts indicating potential dangers.

The statement mentioned that the original permission letter from May 29, 2024, had specific directives that needed to be followed.

However, videos on social media showed that the hall’s executives organized a program not listed in the approved activities, putting residents at risk and violating the given directives.

Similarly, about two weeks ago, the James Topp Nelson Yankah (TF Hostel) Reunion Rave was also canceled because the Junior Common Room (JCR) executives failed to include the event in the approved ‘Two Days Alumni Engagement’ activities.

Scores students are not able realized the safety of the directives but were much concerned about how the Dean of student affairs acted swifty as one user said ”the effect of woman power”, another also said wey school kraa dis?

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K Fosu The Informant is a lifestyle blogger with 5 years experience in content and web development. He is a Google keyword planner, SEO analyst, an influencer and entrepreneur who holds BA Degree from Ghana's Premier University.


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