Home Admissions 2024 NSS Pin Code officially released for 133,476 final year students

2024 NSS Pin Code officially released for 133,476 final year students


The Management of the National Service Scheme (NSS) has, as of today, June 19, 2024, released PIN Codes for a total of 133,476 final year Ghanaian students from all accredited universities in the country, as well as Ghanaian students who have completed their studies overseas, defaulters, and private applicants who h have registered to enroll for their mandatory national service for the 2024/2025 service

As a matter of fact, all prospective national service personnel are therefore requested to log onto the Scheme’s website at www.nss.gov.gh to access their PIN Codes with their respective school Index Numbers and Dates of Birth.

Steps to take after NSS Posting Is Out -2024/2025

Moreso, prospective service personnel would then be required to proceed to any ADB Bank Ltd. branch with their PIN Codes and pay GH¢40.00, or may opt to use the MTN MoMo service to make a payment of GH¢41.00 to activate the enrolment process.

Registration Date

Registration opens today, Wednesday, June 19, 2024, and will close on Friday, July 19, 2024.
With this, management wishes to urge all prospective national service personnel to complete the enrolment process carefully to prevent any errors that could negatively impact
the deployment exercise.

K Fosu The Informant is a lifestyle blogger with 5 years experience in content and web development. He is a Google keyword planner, SEO analyst, an influencer and entrepreneur who holds BA Degree from Ghana's Premier University.



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