Home Admissions What is the difference between a Physcian assistant and a Doctor

What is the difference between a Physcian assistant and a Doctor


Many at times people gets confuse about the roles of a doctor and a physician assistant

We want to make this clear that the main difference a doctor and a pysician assiat has to do with the roles each play at the health facilities

A pysician assistant works under the supervision of a doctor, whereas a doctor has full responsibility for a clinical situation.

Both are qualified medical professionals, and very much work in collaboration with one another

Can a student major in nursing and become a physician assistant?

Aspiring pysicain assistants need a qualifying bachelor’s degree to gain admission to a graduate program.

some graduate schools accept a bachelor’s degree in any subject, but a degree in a relevant area, such as health science or nursing, provides ideal preparation for a PA graduate program.

What must you do to become a PA?

Obtain a bachelor’s degree and complete common prerequisite courses.

Accrue healthcare and patient care experience hours (HCE/PCE).




Pass the PANCE

Why become a PA and not a Doctor ?

Becoming a physician assistant allows someone to provide health care without the lengthy and strenuous education that is mandatory for a doctor. 

Physician assistants can examine patients, prescribe medicine, order diagnostic tests and perform a host of other duties that doctors also do, experts say.

What is the highest paying Physician Assistant specialty?

Dermatology is the highest paying PA specialty. On average they earned $126,084 each year.

The median (midpoint) salary was $115,000. These professionals evaluate, diagnose and treat skin conditions, medically and surgically.

What is the highest paying Physician Assistant specialty?

Dermatology is the highest paying PA specialty. On average they earned $126,084 each year.

The median (midpoint) salary was $115,000.

These professionals evaluate, diagnose and treat skin conditions, medically and surgically.


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