UG Free Laptops popularly known as ONE STUDENT ONE LAPTOP(1S1L) application is open for this year
In an official communique released by the student financial Aid office in the University of Ghana;
”The University of Ghana Students Financial Aid Office has opened application for the One Student One Laptop Initiative.
This initiative seeks to provide Laptops to needy and brilliant Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of the University of Ghana.
- You are required to visit the UG website:
- Click on: Admission/ Financial Aid/ Scholarships/One Student One Laptop Initiative.
- Read the One Student One Laptop Policy ( and complete the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM withthe required essays. In addition, applicants are required to PRINT OUT A HARDCOPY of the PREVIEW of the COMPLETED ONLINE FORM with all the Relevant Supporting Documentation and submit it to the Students Financial Aid Office on or before the deadline – Thursday, June 27, 2024.
Supporting documents includes a hard copy of your Signed One Student One laptop Policy, Admission letter, Proof of registration, academic records (WASSCE grades and university Transcripts), Letters of Recommendation, Birth Certificates of siblings, any other documents that you believe will assist in the processing of your application.
You are eligible to apply if you
1. are a Ghanaian Undergraduate student of the University in Levels 100-300.
2. are a Ghanaian post graduate student enrolled on a research degree programme (ie MPhil/PhD and have completed 1 year of your programme).
3. are able to demonstrate limited family income and/or insufficient funds to acquire a laptop
4. are a needy student with Competitive CGPA.
3. have the will to succeed (determination, perseverance and success in other pursuits).
4. do not have a laptop currently
- Kindly select ‘New Application Submission‘ under Application Type on the online form.
If you have any questions you may call the Students Financial Aid Office on 0302-945312/0303-965240/0205-186904/ 0206804077 or send an email to You may also walk in during working hours to make enquiries.
K Fosu The Informant is a lifestyle blogger with 6 years' experience in content and web development. He is a Google keyword planner, SEO analyst, an influencer and entrepreneur who holds BA Degree from Ghana's Premier University.